
Your track can now be exported from Blender to the Re-Volt file formats. For now, you will have to focus on the following two:

World (.w): Contains all 3D data
Collision (.ncp): Contains data for collisions


The Re-Volt add-on supports various formats. To export a file to any format, proceed as follows:
Make sure you're in object mode. Click on the Export button in the left toolbar. Alternatively, use File -> Export -> Re-Volt.
The file type will be determined by the file name ending (.e.g. .w).

Export button

World (.w)

Export your file as trackname.w into your level folder, where trackname is the name of your track. It needs to match the folder name.

Collision (.ncp)

Export your file as trackname.ncp into your level folder, where trackname is the name of your track. It needs to match the folder name.

Exporting to NCP is a heavy task, it might take up to 5 minutes.