RV Add-On Documentation
This is the documentation for Marv's Add-On for Re-Volt files.
It is intended to be used with Blender 2.79b specifically.
Note: Blender 2.8x series or newer is not supported.
Known Issues
Please report Bugs and suggest features on GitLab.
Import, Export
- World (.w)
- Mesh (.prm)
- Collision (.ncp)
- Instances (.fin)
- Mirror Planes (.rim)
- Hulls (.hul)
- Texture Animations (.ta.csv)
- Car Parameters (parameters.txt; only partial import: body, wheels)
- Track Zones (.taz)
Missing Formats (help appreciated!)
- Objects (.fob)
- AI Nodes (.fan)
- Position Nodes (.pos)
- Visiboxes (.vis)
- Lights (.lit)
- Force Fields (.fld)
- Level Information (.inf)
- Level properties (properties.txt)
- Re-Volt tool panel
- Bake light to vertex color
- Simple vertex painting tool
- Car shadow generator
- Texture animation helper
- Convex hull generator